Born and raised in Amiskwaciwâskahikan, colonially known as Edmonton, Alberta, Emma is a film
and theatre actor, voice artist, and emerging playwright and director. Select acting credits include
Actually, The Virgin Trial(Betty Award Nomination), The Last Wife (Alberta Theatre Projects); A
Christmas Carol '19 (Theatre Calgary); Miss Bennet: Christmas at Pemberley, and A Midsummer
Night's Dream (The Citadel). She has also assistant directed for Alberta Theatre Projects('19) and
Shadow Theatre(18', 19'). Emma was recently a part of Punctuate! Theatre’s 2020/2021 Partizan's
Playwriting Unit, where she co-wrote The Gatekeepers with Helen Belay, and which was workshopped
as part of Lunchbox Theatre's Stage One Festival in June of 2021. She was also a member of Tarragon Theatre's YPU Extended Cohort 2021. Currently, she is finishing up creation of her first animated short film The Magpie funded by the EAC and in pre production for her web series The Big Scoop funded by the CCA, for which she'll be showrunner and lead actor. As a creator, Emma wants to continue to work together with the Canadian theatre and film communities to create a more equitable and safe space for BIPOC creators, and help to foster new works by new voices.